How Long Does It Take to Build a Robust Mobile App?

Ankita Kapoor
Backend Developers
Published in
8 min readNov 12, 2021


Mobile app development is ruling the industry worldwide. In 2020, the mobile app alone has generated a revenue of $111 billion, and it will hit 935 billion U.S. dollars by 2022. These numbers are growing at an incredible speed.

All the market biggies and startups have invested wholeheartedly in mobile app development. However, many businesses are still not jumping on this platform as they find the app development process long.

Do you also belong to these people? If yes, read this blog and get your queries sorted.


In this blog post, I’ll take a look at the different factors that go into answering the question, “How long does it take to build a mobile app?” When determining how long it will take for your app development company to hire mobile app developer and app development, many considerations come in. Here, I will explore these factors, plus how you can speed up your app development process.

Key Stages of The App Development Process

Stage 1: Forming ideas, research, and planning-Four to Five weeks.

Research and planning are two essential stages for any new mobile app development. If you want to become successful, you’ll need to set out well-defined goals and understand exactly what you want your app to achieve, why you want it, and how it will fit into your strategy. Forming an idea is also a crucial step. In short, you’ll need to hire an agency specializing in mobile application development to get through these preliminary stages of getting your app up and running smoothly.

At the end of the stage, you’ll have the following:

MVP (Minimum Viable Product): The bare essentials of your app will help you validate your idea.

-Wireframes: The blueprint for what the app will look like and how it works.

-Information Architecture (IA): Your architecture provides a clear path through which users can go to complete their desired outcome(s).

-Prototype: A prototype is a rough idea of what the final product will look like. It can range from paper sketches to mockups created in your favorite prototyping software.

Although this stage can feel tedious, it’s critical to set yourself up for success later on down the line. The time you invest now will ultimately help determine whether or not your app succeeds over its lifetime as a product on a marketplace like Google Play or Apple’s App Store.

Stage 2: Design Sprints and Idea Validation-Six to Twelve Weeks.

In the second stage, you will bring together all of the vital information that was put together in stages one and two.


It is where you’ll want to start talking with potential application users and gather information on their feedback. You can pick this type of user-generated data through many methods, including market research, surveys, focus groups, or even informal conversations at meetups, etc.

At the end of the stage, you’ll have the following:

-User Personas & Scenarios: This is where you’ll determine what your ideal user looks like and how they will be interacting with your product. You can also generate different use cases for when they would want to come back to using it again in the future

-Wireframes: A more detailed version of your wireframes will give you a better idea of what the final product will look like exactly.

-Mockups: This stage takes your wireframes and generates graphics that can be used in marketing material, etc.

-Low Fidelity Prototype: A prototype created using low fidelity prototyping tools. These are often quick prototypes that help provide an idea of what the final product might look like.

-High Fidelity Prototype: A prototype created using high fidelity prototyping tools, more advanced than low fidelity tools; these prototypes are often used to demonstrate functionality and provide insight on how users will interact with it

Stage 3: Development Time and Rapid Prototyping-Six to Twelve Weeks.

The development stage of app creation is by far the most time-consuming. It is where you’ll take everything put together in stages one and two, then bring it to life using a programming language.

What typically happens here is that after your development team has been given the go-ahead from management, they will begin working on an MVP version of what should be the final product.

At this stage’s end, you will get the following:

-Minimum Viable Product (MVP): The bare minimum version of the app will be launched. It is what your users can see and interact with, without all of the bells & whistles

-Rapid Prototyping: An idea generated through rapid prototyping where you’ll take one feature or function at a time to render it as quickly as possible

-MVP Prototype: A prototype that can demonstrate the final product but doesn’t have all the features/functionality turned on just yet.

Stage 4- Deployment Time & Launch-Up to Two Weeks.

The last stage of app development involves getting your application out there for users. Once you are satisfied with the MVP version of your app, you’ll want to get it published on one or more platforms.

By the end of this stage, you will have:

-Beta Testing & App Store Submission for Review

-And finally, App Launch! You’ve finally made it :)

Therefore, the whole app development process will take almost 7–8 months. Though, it can be extended too depending upon the app’s complexity and client’s requirement.

What Slows Down The App Development Process?

Mid-project changes:

When you don’t have a clear vision or plan for what you want to accomplish, changing it when things get tough will slow down the process. It is essential to stay committed and focused throughout development so that your team can complete this stage as quickly as possible.

Unexperienced developers:

If you’re not working with a team of developers that understand the problems and challenges associated with building mobile apps, it will take longer for your project to get off the ground

Complex technologies:

Using newer or more complex technologies may require additional training on how to use them properly. It can slow down development time considerably if they are not used to working with them.

Industry-wise difference:

In the mobile app development industry, your team members might likely be more experienced than other companies. It can slow down time spent on each stage of the process because they already know what needs to get done and how long things will typically take to complete.

How to Speed Up The Time of Application Development?


-MVPs and prototyping: The MVP is a great way to get started with your app development project because it allows you to create slowly. By testing the waters first, you can ensure that what you are building has a potential interest from users before going ahead full steam.

-Go for cross-platform: If all else fails, consider going for a cross-platform app development solution instead. It can aid in speeding up the time it takes to get an MVP version of your product out there.

-Hire a Professional Developer: You don’t have to go in alone! Many applicants specialize in mobile applications and have the know-how to create them quickly.

-Agile Development: Agile is a great way to get your app developed and ready for market. It can help you prioritize the order of tasks that need to be completed in each stage so that nothing gets missed.

-White Label Solutions: You don’t have to go through the entire process by yourself! There are companies out there that offer white label solutions to get your app up and running in no time.

-Automated Testing: Automating the process of testing your apps will help decrease development time significantly. A computer can run its staff is needed to monitor it, which means more work gets done.


It is not possible to know how long the app development process will take before it even starts. Many variables can affect timelines, including lack of vision, inexperienced developers, and challenges associated with new technology. Often companies underestimate how long it takes to develop a product because they’re not aware of what happens at each stage.

Bear in mind that all mobile app development companies have different processes and workflows for creating mobile applications, so time spent on each stage of the development cycle will vary from team to team. As a company becomes more experienced in their workflow, they can move through each phase faster — which means shorter build times.

After going through this writeup, you will have a clear idea of how long it takes to create an app. You can also share your opinions on this with us in the comments below.


Q- How long does it take to make an app?

A- It will depend on the complexity of the features and your experience with development and design. A simple app can be made in a couple of months — but more complex apps could take up to two years to develop.

Q- How much does it cost to build an app?

A- This entirely depends on the type of application you are looking to have developed. For most essential apps, you can expect to pay around $5–700k.

Q- How long does it take to get an app in the App Store?

A- Apple’s review process is not always consistent — they typically review apps within 1–2 weeks of submission, but there are instances where it takes up to 6 months.

Q- What is the average cost to build an app?

A- There is no one answer for this. The average cost to develop an app varies based on the features you want to be included in your application.

Q- How long does it take to receive an app after submitting it?

A- It depends on the company you are using, but typically apps take 1–3 weeks. Some companies even offer express services that can get your app into the store within 1 week!

Q- How long does it take to make an Android App?

A- Android developers are usually a bit faster than iOS developers — the average time to build a quality Android app is around 1–2 months.

Q- What are some apps that have taken over 2 years to be built?

A- These include Twitter, Instagram, Uber, Snapchat, Pokemon Go! and Slack.

Q- How long does it take to make an app for Android and iOS?

A- This varies based on the company and its resources, and most can complete both in around 2 months.



Ankita Kapoor
Backend Developers

Hey, I’m Ankita, a tech blogger working with ValueCoders who loves to share her extensive tech-related knowledge with like-minded people.